TxtReaderXpress Text To Speech Quick Word Dictionary |
- have built-in few Dictionary and most frequent English words
- English - Chinese Simplified with over 46,499 entries
- English dictionary with over 47,144 entries
- Russion Word list with over 47,307 entries
- English Word list with over 58,327 entries
- French Word list with over 138,257 entries
- Spanish Word list with over 95,716 entries
Requirement |
- Text To Speech Engine
- Internet Connection
The text to speech Quick Word Dictionary is a dictionaries with text to speech capabilities. Quick Word Dictionary uses Google Dictionary and Google Translate Services to give you accurate and multiple translations. |
Select the TTS voice from the TTS engine dropdown list. Select the dictionary from the dropdown list. |
Keep internet connected. Select the Language from the dropdown list, translate from and translate to. Select a word from the list and click on the "search" button. |
First the search engine will search result from google dictionary then google translate. |
Click on "Use google Dictionary" to use google dictionary for translation with more details in TTS Web Browser. |
Select the dictionary from the dropdown list. Select the language translate from and translate to. Click on "Dictionary Studio" to build an offline dictionary. Keep internet connected all the time. This might take few hours. |
Updated after version 3.0.3836 |
refer to the picture below |
- select text to speech engine you want to read the result
- click on speaker icon to read the text result to voice
refer to the picture below |
- to build a dictionary in your language, click on "start dictionary studio"
- in the cache GoogleDictionary dialog, select the dictionary translation
- click on start button, the progress might take few hours to complete depend on words list